Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Conventional Books vs E-Book

As past times go, there's little that is more old-fashioned, quiet and basic as reading a book. Or, at least, that used to be the case. But with the competitive flood of electronic readers, or e-readers, hitting the market as well as e-reader applications for smartphones, the reading experience has been getting a progressively modern makeover. The stats are in and the fight is on. Overall book sales have dropped in 2008 and 2009, according to the American Association of Publishers (AAP).While adult hardcover books actually increased by over 6% in 2009, eBook sales, which account for 4% of all book sales, have increased a whopping 176%. Are these figures telling the tale of the tape as the publishing industry struggles to regain their status as a recession proof industry? Are eBooks on their way to eliminating traditional books altogether? Most of us love to read and most of us have our preferences for the platform we read from. Will you be a traditionalist and stand behind the old gu ard?Bill McCoy,  executive director  of International Digital Publishing Forum, based in Seattle,  Washington,  said that while it's hard to gauge just how the sale of digital books (e-books) is growing, it's clear that the sales, as a percentage of the overall market, are in the double digits â€Å"and on a fast-growing vector†. â€Å"Amazon is saying that they're selling more e-books than hardcover books. And in many cases, depending on the title, they might be selling more e-books than physical books. † A relatively new phenomenon is that e-reader, be it Kindle, ipad or a number of other new competitors coming into the marketplace.When we think about our environment, these devices seem to be more environmentally friendly than our typical paper and cardboard book, even a paperback. There are certain tactile to real book, just feeling the paper, turning the pages. But on the surfaces, the e-reader would seem to be much greener. E-reader vs. conventional book i s a provocative question. Actually, right now, there are some major problems with conventional book publishing, of which you should be aware, if your goal is to get this community to acquire and then to issue your work.The first one is distribution through bookstores has never been tougher. Most publishers sell to stores on consignment. If books don't fly off shelves into the hands of buyers, they're returned to publishers, very quickly. Your title doesn't get very long exposure or time to establish itself. Other than that, books used to be kept â€Å"in print† and available for longer periods of time, in many cases, for years. Now, they're put to death quickly, if initial sales are anything other than brisk. Besides that, we live in an era of the celebrity book.If Oprah wants to write a diet book, it will be a monster hit; you know that. But the most exciting, up and coming, highly credentialed nutritionist may not have a chance of breaking into print. Next, publishers expec t authors to make them profitable through personal promotional efforts. â€Å"What are you going to do to sell this book? † is the major question they ask, and agents will tell you, without a personal commitment to sell your own copies, stated in your book proposal, you won't get a publisher to bite. Otherwise, publishers are clueless, themselves, about what to put out there.Reluctant to lead, and reluctant to follow the success of others, they are like the proverbial deer in the headlights. It used to be the case that if you wanted information on a subject you either went to your library or to your local bookstore. Not anymore. By going to the Internet, you can assemble the equivalent of a book, fast and more or less, for free. Publishers haven't figured out how to sell content at a premium, in an environment in which so much of it is available, instantly, for nothing. There are alternatives to conventional book publishing, including self-publishing and using media alternati ves such as audios and videos.A regular book is better. Not only is it more reliable and you don't have to worry about it dying, but there is just something special about feeling the smooth front cover and the rough edges of the thick, coarse pieces of paper that have been read by so many. If you get an e-book you click, download, and read. There's nothing like the feeling of finishing a really good book. You want to share it with someone! You can't share an e-book. E-books are really only good for travel. Most of the people refuse e-books either but prefers reading conventional books.Readers like to read in bed so it's easier the conventional way; they always find it's easier on the eye to read a conventional book. It seems that our eyes feel more tired for reading e-book. Reading in the internet really hurts people's eyes. Anyway, we should protect our eyes. There are people who read both but by far prefer a real book. In the technology era, there are some advantages and bright fu ture for e-book. The first one is from the finding the book from the bookshelf. Depending on how many books readers have, and how organized they are, this can be a fairly daunting task for traditional books.Some people used to have organized the books by the name of author, type of the books or alphabetically by title. That fell by the wayside the last time they moved. While they arranged it, they are completely random within the way they organized. That may not sound like trouble, but for someone who has a lot of books, for instance, it can make any one book tricky to find. While searching for a book on the virtual bookshelves within the e-book application is only slightly easier. Using e-book application, making it easy to find a book by typing the title, by author or by how frequently people read the book.Secondly is travelling with books. Some people used to travel a lot and it was all they could do to fill the boredom of those long journeys with reading. It meant readers had to bring a lot of books with them, which weighed down their luggage. Travelling with e-books is something that they call heaven. They can close to 200 books and 30 or 40 magazines on their e-book application. The traditional books stack lot of kilograms but then using the e-book just only a few grams. From this side, people more prefer to using e-book rather than conventional books.In many circumstances, reading an e-book is far superior to reading a traditional paper book. Firstly, the portability of e-book. The wonderful thing about electronic text is that it takes up virtually no room, in both a physical and digital sense. If readers have a storage card, they can walk around with at least a dozen books, and probably many more than that. Even if they don't have a storage card, they can still walk around with a fair collection of three to six books (again, depending on book size and available memory). In many situations it's hard to carry even one book around with people.The storage abilities of most e-books allow readers to carry a reasonable collection of reading materials and/or reference texts. Because they probably carry their handheld around with them everywhere anyway, the convenience factor increases nearly exponentially. Because e-book is digital, not only are they super-portable, but they also open up the possibility for some really useful features. For starters, since most e-book is in some form of digital text file, readers can search the text for words or phrases. This is helpful when readers want to find a quote or another specific section of the book.This can cut minutes, if not hours, off of wild goose chases for particular passages. Additionally, digital formats are assuming copy protection doesn't get in the way that can be duplicated forever without decay or any real expense. We'll dig deeper into the specifics of this issue later in the series, but if the e-book allows it, this duplication ability can make it possible for people to share boo ks with their friends without ever having to actually give up one of their possessions. This is good for publishers (and hopefully writers as well), who don't have to pay any production costs.This in turn should drive the prices down for the readers. While the digital nature of the e-book in theory raises the effectiveness of e-book, it also brings up a few ideas that are interesting and worth perusing in this series. E-book also easy to be read. The electronic format offers readers even more benefits over traditional paper books. E-book can be read in a variety of lighting situations, and due to the back lighted screens that most palm computers have, people can read an e-book in most low or no light situations, such as on the subway, during nighttime road trips, or in bed when they don't want to disturb their partner.Advantages of conventional books over electronic is resale value. Like music downloads, people will never actually be able to resell electronic books. If they are into collectable books, this is a particularly big problem and they should only use physical titles. Reading ease is also one of the advantages of conventional books. This one is only really a benefit for those that would otherwise read e-book on their computers or phones. If readers buy a commercial e-reader, it will probably use ink technology that will not hurt their eyes with backlight.Never the less, readers don’t need to worry about this problem with a physical book. Other than that, no devices needed. If readers find themselves in a small town without their cell phone or computer, they won’t be able to download a new title for your e-book, but they can always stop by a local bookstore and pick up a new paperback. Conventional books have no batteries. While most readers have a good battery life, there will still be times where readers forget to charge it and then can’t read at all. Readers will never have this problem with a standard book.No warranties needed when readers choosing conventional books. If their e-reader breaks, they will have nothing to read until they receive a new one. Some devices let them read the titles they have saved on their computer, but it’s just something readers will never have to worry about with a physical book. Best of all, if a book does get damaged to where people can't read it, they can just go to the bookstore and buy another copy, rather than worrying if it is still covered by the manufacturer’s warranty. Next is tradition.Let’s face it; people are never going to get that comforting smell of paper or the weight of a good book in their hands when they read an e-book. And while people can flip ahead in an e-book, readers can’t do so in a matter of seconds and flip right back to the page. Amazon recently announced that its June 2010 Kindle e-book sales nearly doubled its hardcover book sales (180% higher). Many of those e-books were self-published books priced under a dollar; ho wever, data indicates e-books may become the dominant long-form format in not too many years.Are low-overhead e-books better for authors or publishers than their print counterparts? Forrester Research says retailers will sell 6. 6 million e-readers in 2010. Apple has already sold 3 million iPads, which are capable of reading Amazon Kindle e-books as well as Apple's iBooks. At average prices, one would need to buy 15 e-books to offset the $189 price tag of a Kindle, 12 e-books to pay off a $149 Barnes and Noble Nook, and 39 e-books to justify a $499 entry-level iPad (assuming price is the only factor).E-books are up 200% from 2009, according to the Association of American Publishers; however, they still only represent 3-5% of total sales for publishers, according to the New York Times. Hardcover books are also up 40% since 2009, indicating that while e-books are undoubtedly a big part of the future of long-form publishing, people will still be turning paper pages for a while. (Source s:  PrintingChoice,  NYTimes) The tactile pleasure of worn pages between reader’s fingers is hard to replace. But when it comes to encouraging people to embrace the written word,  e-readers  trump their physical counterparts.According to the infographic below, people who own e-book devices say they read more than people who don’t, at a rate of 24 books per year to 15. Education, escape, relaxation and entertainment rank as people’s main motivations to plow through books — proving that, whether electronically or via dead tree, reading remains a popular pastime. E-readers are also rising in popularity, signaling that it may not be impossible to imagine a world without traditional books sometime in the not-so-distant future. From December 2011 to January 2012, e-reader ownership nearly  doubled, from 10 percent to 19 percent, among American adults.And that stunning surge in just one month’s time doesn’t even account for  tablets   or other mobile electronic devices people use to read books and long form content. Worldwide, meanwhile, e-reader sales rose by nearly 3 million between 2010 and 2011. It’s also interesting to look at the relationship between actual e-book consumption and ownership of a device that enables users to read books electronically. According to one study, 29% of American adults own a personal e-book device, tablets included. But just 21% of adults had actually read an  e-book  in the past year as of February 2012.It'll be interesting to see if and when experiments on the potential impacts of e-readers on memory and cognition are done, as the market has definitely reached a point of no return in terms of moving away from printed pages. Stephanie Mantello, senior public relations manager of the Kindle group at Amazon. com, gave answers that didn't include specifics, but implied massive  quantities. For instance, when asked how many  Kindles the company has sold since the produ ct was first introduced in 2008, Mantello simply said, â€Å"Millions. Millions of people are reading on Kindle.Kindle is also the best-selling product in the history of Amazon. com. † It is the most-wished for on the â€Å"wish list† function account holders have on the company's site. It's given as a gift more often than any other single product. It has the most 5-star reviews. She did say that between April 1 and May 19, for every 100 print books the company sold, it sold 105 Kindle books. â€Å"This includes sales of hardcover and paperback books by Amazon where there is no Kindle edition. Free Kindle books are excluded, and, if included, would make the number even higher,† said Mantello.The reasons for the slow acceptance of e-books vary but a constant reason given was not being comfortable with reading using personal computers, laptops and palm pilots (Helfer, 2000; Andersen, 2001). Other reasons included: finding it difficult to read on small screens, pro blems with browser, slow loading time, difficulties in navigating (Gibbon, 2001; Chu, 2003); and preferring to read printed text (Ray and Day, 1998; Holmquist, 1997; Gibbon, 2001). Summerfield and Mandel (1999) indicated that library users at the University of Columbia would use e-book in some depth when they are required to do so by courses they are following.The studies above indicated that the degree of acceptance of e-book is on the rise but the preference for printed text remained. A high percentage of students indicated that they used e-book because it was available online (64. 2%), provided faster and easy access to new titles (45. 7%) and did not require physical visit to the library (40. 7%) (Table 1). Bodomo†¦et al’s (2003) respondents gave similar answers and his respondents recognized that digital libraries were very convenient since they did not need to go to libraries and could still read and download books or journals from home.Similarly, Chu (2003) also r eported that â€Å"available around the clock† and â€Å"searchable† were valued the most by students at a library and information science schools in the USA. Table 1: Reasons for Using or Not Using e-book Table 1 (b) shows that almost half (45. 6%) of the non-users indicate preference for paper format as a barrier for them from using e-books service. Holmquist (1997) found that the main reason for his respondents’ non-use of e-journals was their preference to read articles on paper, not on the computer screen.Other non-users have mentioned factors such as little knowledge on how to use or access e-books, the print copy is convenient to use, the lack of Internet connection, difficulty in browsing and reading, having no interest, and perceiving the need for special software to be able to use e-book as being cumbersome. When the non-users were asked whether they would use the e-book in the future, only 30% (38) gave a definite â€Å"yes† while the majority (61%, 76) indicated â€Å"probably† or â€Å"not sure or â€Å"probably not†Ã¢â‚¬  (6%, 8; 2%, 2). While university students operate in a world immersed in digital text, they have not simultaneously abandoned print. It is not true, as Steve Jobs stated and as Nicholas Carr implied, that they like the iPad because they don’t read. In fact, for their university studies, students prefer to read on paper, although they also want the convenience of online digital text. † Cull, 2012 There is no doubt that new forms of publishing are becoming increasingly popular across the world. Their benefits are those that the traditional rinted book could never imagine to surpass, and they fill a gap in a rapidly increasing market of readers dictating portability and mass storage as necessary to the current lifestyle. However, evidence shows that readers are not entirely convinced that e-readers are books of the future. They have not caught on as other recent technology tr ends have, and the consistent theme of simulating e-readers to resemble traditional books, indicates that consumers are not prepared to relinquish the time-honored form for this new technology.As such, the chance of books becoming redundant or obsolete in the near future is improbable. â€Å"The history of communications media tells us that new media often do not replace old. At most, they redefine the purposes and functions of older media† (Cope & Kalantzis 2001:5). Of more value to consumers then, is a co-existence of the two, amalgamating the benefits of each to accommodate for the needs of all, rendering neither redundant nor obsolete.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Kinesthetic learning Essay

Kinesthetic learning is also known as tactile learning. People with a preference for kinesthetic learning are also commonly known as â€Å"do-ers†. Tactile/kinesthetic learners make up about five percent of the population. Auditory learners Reading- or writing-preference learners Kinesthetic learners Contents 1 History 2 Characteristics 3 Classification 4 Lack of evidence 5 References 6 External links History Kinesthetic intelligence was originally coupled with tactile abilities, and was defined and discussed in Howard Gardner’s Frames Of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. In his book, Gardner describes activities (such as dancing and performing surgery) as requiring great kinesthetic intelligence: using the body to create (or do) something. Margaret H’Doubler wrote and spoke about kinesthetic learning during the 1940s, defining kinesthetic learning as the human body’s ability to express itself through movement and dance. Characteristics Question book-new.svg This section does not cite any references or sources. Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (October 2010) According to the theory of learning styles, students who have a predominantly kinesthetic style are thought to be discovery learners: they have realisation through doing, rather than thinking before initiating action. They may struggle to learn by reading or listening. When learning, it helps for these students to move around; this increases the students’ understanding, with learners generally getting better marks in exams when they can do so. Kinesthetic learners usually succeed in activities such as chemistry experiments, sporting activities, art and acting; It is common for kinesthetic learners to focus on two different things at the same time, remembering things in relation to what they were doing. They possess good eye–hand coordination. In kinesthetic learning, learning occurs by the learner using their body to express a thought, an idea or a concept (in any field). In an elementary classroom setting, these students may stand out because of their need to move; their high energy levels may cause them to be agitated, restless or impatient. Kinesthetic learners’ short- and long-term memories are strengthened by their use of movement. Classification Rita Dunn contends that kinesthetic and tactile learning are the same style.[3] Galeet BenZion asserts that kinesthetic and tactile learning are separate learning styles, with different characteristics. She defined kinesthetic learning as the process that results in new knowledge (or understanding) with the involvement of the learner’s body movement. This movement is performed to establish new (or extending existing) knowledge. Kinesthetic learning at its best, BenZion found, is established when the learner uses language (their own words) in order to define, explain, resolve and sort out how his or her body’s movement reflects the concept explored. One example is a student using movement to find out the sum of 1/2 plus 3/4 via movement, then explaining how their motions in space reflect the  mathematical process leading to the correct answer. Lack of evidence Although the concept of learning styles is popular among educators in some countries (and children and adults express preferences for particular modes of learning), there is no evidence that identifying a student’s learning style produces better outcomes; on the contrary, there is substantial evidence that the meshing hypothesis (that a student will learn best if taught in a method deemed appropriate for the student’s learning style) is invalid. Well-designed studies â€Å"flatly contradict the popular meshing hypothesis†. Proponents state that the evidence related to kinesthetic learners benefiting from specialized instruction (or targeted materials) appears mixed at best; the diagnosis of kinesthetic and tactile learning is coupled (rather than isolated), and teachers are likely to misdiagnose students’ learning styles. On the other hand, studies do show that mixed-modality presentations (for instance, using auditory and visual techniques) improve results in a variety of subjects. Instruction that stimulates more than auditory learning (for example, kinesthetic learning) is more likely to enhance learning in a heterogeneous student population.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Canceling Third World Debt

There are many compelling arguments for canceling third world debt. However, regardless of how morally wrong, third world debt relief will not go very far in solving the myriad of causes underlying the poverty crippling these countries in the first place. Canceling the debt is just one step in the process. Industrialized countries must also be willing to reform world trade laws, drop subsidies that insulate the world markets, fight graft, and help poor countries eliminate the corruption that permeates their systems. Plagiarism Detection >Examples of this systemic corruption can be seen in the countries of Kenya, Zimbabwe, DRC, Nigeria or Tanzania. These so called indebted and poor countries are some of the richest in the world in natural resources who at the same time, have a well educated work force. Yet the people are poor because their government abuses them and their resources, keeping the wealth for a few rather than for all. Canceling the world debt will not trickle down to the people as long as corrupt government officials stand in the way.Canceling the debt may encourage more bad economic policy choices, while at the same time allowing irresponsible lender governments off the hook, free to form new alliances with criminal regimes. Much of this so called debt was merely a way for developed nations to carve out a stake in the natural resources of the poor country, in order to protect their personal interests. By canceling the debt corrupt lending countries can hide their complicity in the denigration of the poor country and its people. Hanging a blanket cancellation onto a country also means that it is not a creditworthy nation in the eyes of other world governments, making things worse. Plagiarism Detection >Nor does it stop the cycle of criminality, because the countries must still borrow in order to survive and meet their other debts in the future. One way third world countries can get out of the financial and poverty inducing rut is to stay away fro m the patronage of rich nations who put them in trouble in the first place. Another way is to demand respect and proper treatment from creditors while eliminating the corruption endemic in their governments. It has been proven over and over again that the criminality and graft is a two way street. International law already allows countries to repudiate debt contracted without the consent of, nor spent in the interests of the people.Under international law citizens of a country do not have to repay those financed their oppression such as America propping up tin hat dictators like Mbutu, to name one. What seems to be lacking is a will to eliminate the underlying root causes of third world problems. The tools for doing such are already there waiting to be used. Third world debt cancellation is merely addressing a symptom that will only give very short term relief while allowing the problem to recycle and become entrenched again. Breaking the cycle is the only way to alleviate the prob lem on a more permanent level.

Sex education at high school in Canada Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Sex education at high school in Canada - Essay Example According to McKay, et al, (1998, p123) the Canadian parents have failed miserably in educating their children, about sexuality, a situation that denies teenagers the power to make informed decisions on matters related to their sexuality. In a world that technology is advancing at an unprecedented rate, teenagers often get misguided information about sex on social networks and from pornographic sites, a situation that makes them vulnerable to early sexual experimentation. This exposure has resulted to high incidents of teenage pregnancies, infection by sexually transmitted diseases and other negative consequences such as dropping out of school and other reproductive health problems (Caims and Hiebert, 1994, p227). Sex education should be introduced in Canadian high schools to protect the teenagers from sexual related problems and enhance their personal safety. A study conducted by Geasler et al(1995, p 173) established that most Canadian parents entrusted educational institutions to provide sex health education to empower the adolescents with relevant knowledge such as personal safety, importance of abstinence and reproduction.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

A Curriculum Development Issue Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

A Curriculum Development Issue - Research Paper Example A social policy statement which was established in 1980 and amended in 1995. The statement explains the meaning of nursing, diagnosis requirement of a nurse and the main purpose of nursing activities. It clearly explains the requirement of a competent nurse in the health sector. It talks about the basic knowledge which is required of a qualified nurse. The statement specifies the main components required in the definition of nursing role and competent in the health sector. As observed by Fasoli (2006), nurses’ schools and faculties are supposed to comply fully with the Nursing: A social policy statement. The policy does not give room for immediate advancement of the training methodology. The strictness of the policy statement limits the advancement of the nursing curriculum. The curriculum is delimited by the policy to act immediately to the emerging technological and health changes. On the other hand, the policy restricts the nursing training schools from advancing the circular without the approval of the concerned health body. Health schools are expected to train what is speculated in the policy. Health policy on the other hand, is very useful in the nursing profession and most specifically in the training process. It clarifies the requirement for a credible nurse. It provides a guideline of what should be taught in the healthcare school. Its strictness is very essential in maintaining the quality of nurse activities in the health sector. ... The policy does not give room for immediate advancement of the training methodology. The strictness of the policy statement limits the advancement of the nursing curriculum. The curriculum is delimited by the policy to act immediately to the emerging technological and health changes. On the other hand, the policy restricts the nursing training schools from advancing the circular without the approval of the concerned health body. Health schools are expected to train what is speculated in the policy. Health policy on the other hand, is very useful in the nursing profession and most specifically in the training process. It clarifies the requirement for a credible nurse. It provides a guideline of what should be taught in the healthcare school. Its strictness is very essential in maintaining the quality of nurse activities in the health sector. Nursing school are limited the power of including irrelevant contents in their curriculum. Any additional in the curriculum must be approved by t he entire health sector. Nurses have the capability of working everywhere in the world due to the universality of the health policy. The policy has also helped nurses in specifying their position in the health sector. The role of the nurse in health sector is clearly explained in the policy. This reduces role confusion in health sector. Curriculum Development Strategies Development of nursing curriculum as a process has neither beginning nor an end. Once it has been developed, the curriculum undergoes modifications and refinements as it becomes evaluated and implemented. This modifications and refinements are performed because a nursing curriculum that is perfect cannot be finalized and achieved when the context within which the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

A Comparison of Gifted Education in UK and Singapore Essay

A Comparison of Gifted Education in UK and Singapore - Essay Example This discussion declares that the citizens showed their unrest with the education system, especially because of the ongoing Western influence on Singaporean beliefs and values in the period 1965-1985. The younger and emerging middle class citizens encouraged the government to promote democracy and public participation in its decision-making processes concerning matters such as education. Singapore had a single party dominated government, which did not represent the opposing views of its citizens appropriately. To counter the negative attitude of its citizens, Singapore’s government introduced a systemic educational reform to improve the education system in the early 1980s. It streamed students according to their different academic abilities, and in consequence, they could focus and challenge their unique abilities. The Ministry of Education proposed this education system and termed it as ‘Ability-Driven Education’ system of education. The new streaming system enab led students to learn and evolve at their own intellectual learning speed.As the report discusses  groups of gifted individuals could now experience opportunities and gain due recognition. The gifted education program naturally became a basis of Singapore’s new education system following the conviction that the gifted and talented would serve as future leaders and propel the country to greater heights.  Gifted education refers to the special practices and procedures used in education of children identified as gifted or talented.

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Effectiveness of Different Lidocaine Combinations Research Paper

The Effectiveness of Different Lidocaine Combinations - Research Paper Example In an attempt to increase the effectiveness of lidocaine delivered through inferior alveolar nerve block, several experiments combining lidocaine with other substances have been conducted. Yet these studies have conflicting results. Nevertheless, the decision on using a particular lidocaine combination should lie on the validity and reliability of the experiments that support the use of such preparation because the effectiveness of anesthesia is very critical in delivering quality dental care. The study conducted by Kanaa et al. (2009) employed a randomized controlled double-blind cross-over research design to test the hypothesis that supplementary articaine infiltration is more effective than lidocaine inferior alveolar nerve block alone. The subjects were selected from a group of volunteers aged 18 years and above â€Å"with a vital mandibular ï ¬ rst molar, ï ¬ rst or second premolar and lateral incisor† (Kanaa et al., 2009) on either side and who were able to complete the trial experiment. Those who were pregnant and unhealthy such as those with the allergy to amide local and those with bleeding and neurological disorders were excluded in the study. This resulted to a sample size consisting of 36 participants which is big enough considering that an earlier published and reviewed study indicated that this sample size had 90% power to detect a difference with a 21% success rate given a 5% signiï ¬ cance level and a 0.5 correlation between responses from the same participant (as cited in Kanaa et al., 2009). However, the subjects were predominantly from the university and some are even dental students which do not necessarily reflect the actual population. This can also result in biases since the subjects have knowledge of the procedure is done; thus, their expectations may influence the result of the study.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Science - Essay Example Inrecentyears,acompletely new field of technology has developed from advances in the life sciences. Known as biotechnology, it involves such varied activities as genetic engineering, the manipulation of genetic material of cells or organisms, and cloning, the formation of genetically uniform cells, plants, or animals. Although still in its infancy, many scientists believe that biotechnology will play a major role in many fields, including food production, waste disposal, and medicine. Economics may appear to be the study of complicated tables and charts, statistics and numbers, but, more specifically, it is the study of what constitutes rational human behavior in the endeavor to fulfill needs and wants. We can say, therefore, that economics, often referred to as the "dismal science", is a study of certain aspects of society. Adam Smith (1723 - 1790), the "father of modern economics" and author of the famous book "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations", spawned the discipline of economics by trying to understand why some nations prospered while others lagged behind in poverty. Others after him also explored how a nation's allocation of resources affects its wealth. (Investopedia) What is the relevance of studying economics Alfred Marshall enumerated the following as reasons for the study of economics: a. Students need to develop economic ways of thinking and problem solving that they can use in their lives as consumers, savers, entrepreneurs, investors, workers, citizens, and participants in a global economy; b. Economics creates a more vivid understanding of costs and benefits than any other subject; c. Students who do not appreciate the accomplishments of a market economy will not work to preserve it; d. Students must understand economics to become productive members of the workforce; e. The case for economic literacy is the case for democracy itself. If war is too serious to be left to military professionals, economic understanding is too important to be left to economists;. SCIENCE Science is systematicstudyof anything that can be examined, tested, and verified. From its early beginnings, science has developed into one of the greatest and most influential fields of human endeavor. Today different branches of science investigate almost everything that can be observed or detected, and science as a whole shapes the way we understand the universe, our planet, ourselves, and other living things. Foralargepartofrecorded history, science had little bearing on people's everyday lives. Scientific knowledge was gathered for its own sake, and it had few practical applications. Today, science has a profound effect on the way we live, largely through technology-the use of scientific knowledge for practical purposes. Otherfieldsofscience also play an important role in the things we use or consume every day. Research in food technology

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Air Pollution Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Air Pollution - Research Paper Example Air pollution emanates from air pollutants. These are substances that have adverse effects on the natural ecosystem when released into the atmosphere. The air pollutants can be liquid droplets, gases, or solid particles. The pollutants are either generated through the natural processes or by the action of human activities. One of the commonest natural sources of air pollution is the volcanic eruption. The gases emitted through volcanic activities may contain toxic pollutants such as sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide. The human activities that cause air pollution are mainly due to industrial production. Many modern factories emit sulphur dioxide through the production processes. The pollutant can also build up in the air due to the reaction of other gases such as sulphur monoxide with oxygen. In other words, the presence of oxygen in the air causes pollution after some non-polluting gases react with oxygen (Haerens 12). Sulphur may react with oxygen in a chain of processes leading to the emission of sulphur dioxide. Similarly, oxygen may react with carbon in a chain of reaction processes leading to the emission of carbon monoxide, an air pollutant. The other source of air pollution is the oxides of nitrogen. They result from human activities, especially due to motor vehicle exhausts. Some vehicles are not fitted with the required catalytic converters to convert the oxides into the non-polluting nitrogen gas. When the oxides of nitrogen combine with those of sulphur in the atmosphere, the air becomes unpalatable and unsuitable for human health (Ayres, Robert & Roy 4). The result is the outbreak of skin cancers and other infections associated with the pollutants. Likewise, the emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere is directly associated with global warming. The gas causes greenhouse effect that leads to the preservation of more heat in the earth’s atmosphere. Although the sources

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Ncm 512 session long project module 4 Negotiation Styles and Essay

Ncm 512 session long project module 4 Negotiation Styles and Communication (unites states post office) - Essay Example The shooting led to 6 people being killed on the spot and one person was seriously injured in this event. The underlying issue of this shooting was that the person was waiting for a long time and was not being served. The parties to the conflict include the lady shooter and the employees of the postal service. The chosen party for this paper is the postal service employees. There was no clear negotiation that was brought out here in this case. The angry lady instead of taking up the issue with the employees went on to take a serious step of opening fire to the building. There was a slight negotiation that was present where the lady showed signs of urgency and her body language did show a level of urgency. However my side of the parties seems to have ignored this urgency and have not been able to provide the required service to the lady. There was clearly no verbal message that was shown by the lady except the one request of asking the employees to deal with her requested service. The negotiation method adopted for this case was not a cooperative one in any manner and there was more of a competitive behavior that was seen which led the lady to take the intense step of shooting at the employees of the organization. Considering myself in this position as the employee at the counter, I would have acknowledged the request of the lady and would have explained to her that once I was done with the other customer, she would be attended to next. If there was a possibility for another employee to cater to her, I would have requested my coworker to deal with the situation. Also, based on this experience, I would have suggested to the company the need for two counters one which dealt with the urgent requests while the other which deals with the normal work. The conflict is one which cannot be anticipated, hence any decision taken at the spur of the moment would be the best that one could do. Hence I personally believe that nothing could

Early to Middle Childhood Essay Example for Free

Early to Middle Childhood Essay If you ever seen a preschooler rushing off to play with a neighborhood friend, you know the enjoyment that children derive from being with their peers. Aside from this enjoyment, peer relationship is significant to a child’s social development. At the beginning of early childhood up to the middle childhood, children become less dependent on their parents. At the age of 2, children play independently with their toys but later in this period, children will tend to play with interaction. This change in the mode of playing of children will be formalized in the start of school age. Other than enjoyment, play becomes a material for social improvements. It allows children to be more competent in their social interactions with others and serves as a way to develop self-control. They avoid hitting an opponent who outlasted them and they tend to develop control of emotions (Selman et al. , 1983; Feldman, 1982). Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development The theory of psychologist Jean Piaget is the most well known of all the theories in cognitive development. He suggested two stages during early childhood and middle childhood. The movement from one stage to another requires a proper amount of maturation and experiences. Preoperational Stage (2 to 7 years) The use of language is the major development during the preoperational stage. In this stage, children develop their sense of representation of the world that allows them to describe people, events, and feelings. They even use symbols in play to represent a particular object. For example, a book that was pushed across the floor is a car for them. Concrete Operational Stage (7 to 12 years) The mastery of the concept of conservation marked the beginning of the concrete operation stage. During this stage, children develop their ability to think in a more logical manner. The egocentrism characteristic of the preoperational period is slowly disappearing in this stage. One of the things that the children learn at this stage is the principle of reversibility, the idea that some changes can be undone by reversing the earlier action that result to the change. Erikson’s Theory of Psychosocial Development In trying to trace the course of social development, Eric Erikson developed the most comprehensive theory of social development. He included two stages during childhood which include the initiative versus guilt stage and the industry versus inferiority stage. Initiative versus Guilt Stage (age 3 to 6) In this stage, the major conflict is the desire of a child to initiate an activity independently but feeling the guilt that bring by the consequences of such activity. Parents take a big part in helping their child to adapt with this stage. They should react positively and take time to resolve problems under this stage. Industry versus Inferiority Stage (age 6-12) During this period, successful psychosocial development is featured by increasing competency across all tasks, may it be social interactions or academic skills. Intelligence Intelligence can take on many different meanings. A person who reason logically and identify more solutions in a problem is considered intelligent. Another is verbal abilities which are also attributed as being intelligent. Intelligence in a more focused meaning is the capacity to understand the world, think critically and rationally and use resources in an effective manner when face with challenges. The first formal intelligent test was performed by Alfred Binet. He used this test to identify the dullest student in Paris school system in order to provide them with corrective assistance. However, theories of intelligence began to unravel the mysteries of our intellect. One of the first theory in intelligence assumed that there was a single factor contributing to mental ability, called the g-factor (Spearman, 1927). Consequently, psychologist L. L. Thurstone suggested that there are several primary mental abilities underlying general intelligence. By using innovative statistical technique, he classified a variety of subcomponents of intelligence which includes numerical ability, reasoning, verbal fluency, memory and verbal comprehension. Other than that, Howard Gardner proposed an idea that we have seven multiple intelligence. In these seven multiple intelligence, musical intelligence, bodily-kinesthetic, linguistic, and interpersonal intelligence can be seen during childhood years. Gender Identity Our society holds well-defined stereotypes about men and women, and they prevail regardless of age, economic status, and social and educational background. Although the difference in many studies about men and women may conclude large difference, still it is not the reality. In considering the differences that were documented, it can be seen that there are more similarity than difference between men and women. One of the most known differences between men and women is their degree of aggression. By the time they are 2 years old, boys tend to show more aggression than girls and this continues throughout their lifespan. Furthermore, during the middle childhood, children are quite different in the level of self-esteem. Girls, on the average, have lower self-esteem compared to boys. References Feldman, R. S. (1982). Development of non-verbal behavior in children. New York: Spriner-Verlag. Harder, A. F. â€Å"The Developmental Stages of Erik Erikson†. Learning Place Online. Retrieved April 3, 2009 @ http://www. support4change. com/stages/cycles/Erikson. html Selman, R. L. , Schorin, M. Z. , Stone, C. R. Phelps, E. (1983). A naturalistic study of children’s social understanding. Developmental Psychology, 19, 82-102 Spearman, C. (1927). The Abilities of Man. London: Macmillan.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Stereotypes prejudice Essay Example for Free

Stereotypes prejudice Essay Please complete the following exercises, remembering that you are in an academic setting and should remain unbiased, considerate, and professional when completing this worksheet. Part I Select three of the identity categories below and name or describe at least 3 related stereotypes for each: ?Race ?Ethnicity ?Religion ?Gender ?Sexual orientation ?Age ?Disability Category Stereotype 1 Stereotype 2 Stereotype 3 Disability People think disability is a sickness People think they are a mence to others and society Disabled people are different and are not fully human. Gender Female role of taking care of the kids Male role of being the breadwinner androgyny, which is the blending of feminine and masculine attributes in the same individual. Age Ageism Senile or Demented Unproductive and uncreative Part II Answer each question in 50 to 100 words related to those stereotypes. Provide citations for all the sources you use. ?What are the positive aspects of stereotypes, if any? Some aspects of stereotyping can be GOOD, BUT I HAVE YET TO SEE ANY THAT I WOULD CONSIDER GOOD. STEREOTYPING IS A WAY FOR US TO CATERGORIZE A PERSON OR GROUP INTO SOMETHING WE CAN NOT FEEL BAD FOR NOT LIKING. ?What are the negative aspects of stereotypes? Negative aspects of stereotyping play a big Copyright  © 2012 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Stereotypes and Prejudice Worksheet ETH/125 Version 8 2 ROLE ON A PERSON. STEROTYPING PEOPLE IN A NEGATIVE MANNER HAS A LASTING DETRIMENTAL IMPACT ON THOSE WHO EXPERIENCE THE PREJUDICE. PEOPLE PERFORM POORLY IN SITUATIONS WHERE THEY FEEL THEY ARE BEING STEREOTYPED. Part III Answer each question in 50 to 150 words related to those stereotypes. Provide citations for all the sources you use. ?Define stereotypes and prejudice. What is the difference between stereotyping and prejudice? Use examples to illustrate the differences. ?A stereotype is a belief about a certain group of people. Prejudice is a feeling about a person based on their membership in a group. Both stereotypes and prejudice can be either positive or negative. Discrimination is an action that denies the rights of a person due to their membership in a group. ?What is the relationship between stereotyping and prejudice? Prejudice- ignorantly judging based on[stereotypes] pre conceptions. Pre- Judging someone before having the knowledge of who they are. Ex. I have a prejudice towards all teenaged mothers, because I assume they all slept around to get pregnant, because thats what my sister did. ( which doesnt make every ones situation the same. stereotypes- classifying groups of people based on race, gender, religion, creed, ethnicity, etc. Then believing all people who belong to that group are the same Ex: All homeless people arent educated. Iggnorance is what is the realtionship between the two of them. People being ignorant and making assumptions is found in both prejudice and sterotypes. ?What can be done to prevent prejudice from occurring? Here are some examples that I think would help with preventing prejudice. It may not stop it all together, but it would help the situations from being uncomfortable. . Celebrate holidays with extended family. Use such opportunities to encourage storytelling and share personal experiences across generations. Invite friends from backgrounds different from your own to experience the joy of your traditions and customs. Be mindful of your language; avoid stereotypical remarks and challenge those made by others. Speak out against jokes and slurs that target people or groups. Silence sends a message that you are in agreement. It is not enough to refuse to laugh. Copyright  © 2012 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Stereotypes and Prejudice Worksheet ETH/125 Version 8 3 Copyright  © 2012 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Mission Statement Essay Vision Statement Essay

Mission Statement Essay Vision Statement Essay Mission Statements Vision Statements Vision Statements and Mission Statements are the inspiring words chosen by successful leaders to clearly and concisely convey the direction of the organization. By crafting a clear mission statement and vision statement, you can powerfully communicate your intentions and motivate your team or organization to realize an attractive and inspiring common vision of the future. â€Å"Mission Statements† and â€Å"Vision Statements† do two distinctly different jobs. A Mission Statement defines the organizations purpose and primary objectives. Its prime function is internal to define the key measure or measures of the organizations success and its prime audience is the leadership team and stockholders. Vision Statements also define the organizations purpose, but this time they do so in terms of the organizations values rather than bottom line measures (values are guiding beliefs about how things should be done.) The vision statement communicates both the purpose and values of the organization. For employees, it gives direction about how they are expected to behave and inspires them to give their best. Shared with customers, it shapes customers understanding of why they should work with the organization Vision Statements are difficult to write they should short, clear, vivid, inspiring and concise without using jargon, complicated words or concepts. Successful Statements are memorable and engaging. A combination of both a companys mission and a companys vision of the future may be included in a Mission Statement. No wonder there is so much confusion between Vision Statements and Mission Statements! Sample Vision Statements Definition of a Vision A Vision is defined as An Image of the future we seek to create. Definition of a Mission A Mission is defined as Purpose, reason for being. Defined simply Who we are and what we do. What is the difference between Mission Statements and Vision Statements? A good definition for a Mission Statement is a sentence or short paragraph which is written by a company or business which reflects its core purpose, identity, values and principle business aims. The definition for Vision Statements is a sentence or short paragraph providing a broad, aspirational image of the future. Mission Statements therefore contain important information about a company in a nutshell. This should include the the company mission ( what the company does, its products, its services and its customers). These types of Statements focus on today Vision Statements therefore contain details of the companys future its vision ( the future plans with aims and objectives )These types of Statements focus on tomorrow. An organizational mission is an organizations reason for existence. It often reflects the values and beliefs of top managers in an organization. A mission statement is the broad definition of the organizational mission. It is sometimes referred to as a creed, purpose, or statement of corporate philosophy and values. A good mission statement inspires employees and provides a focus and direction for setting lower level objectives. It should guide employees in making decisions and establish what the organization does. Mission statements are crucial for organizations to prosper and grow. While studies suggest that they have a positive impact on profitability and can increase shareholder equity, they also support that almost 40 percent of employees do not know or understand their companys mission. Not only large corporations benefit from creating mission statements but small businesses as well. Entrepreneurial businesses are driven by vision and high aspirations. Developing a mission statement will help the small business realize their vision. Its primary purpose is to guide the entrepreneur and assist in refining the planning process. By developing a strategic plan that incorporates the mission statement, entrepreneurs are more likely to be successful and stay focused on what is important. The mission statement encourages managers and small business owners alike to consider the nature and scope of the business. Business Week attributes 30 percent higher return on several key financial measure for companies with well-crafted mission statements. COMMON ELEMENTS While mission statements vary from organization to organization and represent the distinctness of each one, they all share similar components. Most statements include descriptions of the organizations target market, the geographic domain, their concern for survival, growth and profitability, the company philosophy, and the organizations desired public image. For example: Our mission is to become the favorite family dining restaurant in every neighborhood in which we operate. This will be accomplished by serving a variety of delicious tasting and generously portioned foods at moderate prices. Our restaurants will be clean, fun, and casual. Our guests will be served by friendly, knowledgeable people that are dedicated to providing excellent customer service. This mission statement describes the target market, which are families and the geographic domain of neighborhoods. It clearly states how it expects to be profitable by offering excellent customer service by friendly, knowledgeable people. When defining the mission statement it is important to take into account external influences such as the competition, labor conditions, economic conditions, and possible government regulation. It is important to remember however, that mission statements that try to be everything to everybody end up being nothing to anybody. Companies should have mission statements that clearly define expected shareholder returns and they should regularly measure performance in terms of those expected returns. If the major reason for a businesss existence is to make a profit then it stands to reason that expectations of profit should be included in the organizations mission. This means that management should reach a consensus about which aspects of the companys profit performance should be measured. These might include margin growth, product quality, market share changes, competitive cost position, and capital structure efficiency. A mission statement sets the boundaries for how resources should be allocated and what strategic and operational goals should be set. The mission statement should acknowledge the companys strengths and then inform employees where to direct their efforts in order to take advantage of those strengths. Before writing a mission statement organizations should take a look at how they are different from the competition, whether it is in technology, image and name brand, or employees. It can often be thought of as a recipe for success because it not only defines the organizations accomplishments but it also provides employees with directions to help them develop plans and look for opportunities for improvement. The organization defines what is acceptable behavior through the mission statement. Values and beliefs are the core of a strong mission statement. For example: Quality and values will secure our success. We will live by our values, have fun, and take pride in what we do. Our values are to maintain a work environment where people enjoy coming to work, to serve our guests and exceed their expectations, and to be profitable and result oriented. This mission statement is simple and straightforward. It does not, however, specify the products or target market. The mission statement also provides meaning to the organization by stating not only what goals the company wants to achieve but also why it wants to achieve these goals. It is not effective unless it is challenging and forces workers to establish goals and means to measure the achievement of those goals. A mission statement should inspire employees and get them involved in the organization. It has been called the glue that holds the organization together through shared values and standards of behavior. A mission statement should be relevant to the history, culture, and values of the company. Many statements refer to the social responsibility of the organization. For example, a company can show their concern for the community in the following: To be involved as good corporate citizens wherever we are around the world. We will treat customers and distributors with honesty, courtesy, and respect. We will respect and preserve the environment. Through all of this we will prove to be the worldwide leader in industry trade. One important issue in organizations today is the concern with diversity. While it is not a traditional point included in mission statements, more and more companies are including it because of the globalization of the economy and the increased diversity of the workforce. Before writing a mission statement, leaders in the organization must have an idea of what is in store for the future. This vision is the foundation for the mission statement. The vision provides a strategic direction, which is the springboard for the mission and its related goals. A vision statement differs from a mission statement. Vision statements are a view of what an organization is striving to become. For example: To bring back to neighborhoods all over America the importance of family unity. We will view ourselves as a family so these attributes will be carried over into our service. They guide an organization into the future while mission statements are a reflection of the present. Because vision statements are a glimpse into the future, they are often not realized for several years. Organizations go through many changes and can face times of confusion and uncertainty. Changes are not always expected or easy, so a well thought out vision statement will help everyone stay focused and meet the organizations goals. Some examples of well-known companies mission statements: Wal-Mart: To give ordinary folk the chance to buy the same thing as rich people. 3M: To solve unsolved problems innovatively. Walt Disney: To make people happy. Historically, these may have seemed arrogant. But consider the outcome of the following mission statements from each companys early days: Ford Motor Company: Ford will democratize the automobile. Sony: Become the company most know for changing the world-wide poor-quality image of Japanese products. Wal-Mart: Become a $125 billion company by the year 2000. WRITING A MISSION STATEMENT When creating a mission statement there are a few simple guidelines that can be followed. It is important to remember the basics so the mission statement stays simple and straight to the point. Some researchers agree that it should be kept to between 30 and 60 words, while others believe it does not necessarily have to be that brief. Some organizations have mission statements that are only one sentence, while others are a paragraph. An example of a mission statement that is limited to one sentence is Our business is selling houses and our mission is total customer satisfaction. At a minimum, each mission statement should answer the following three questions: (1) What are the opportunities or needs the organization addresses? (2) What does the organization do to address those needs? and (3) What principles and values guide the organization? In other words, defining the organizations purpose, business and values. Avoiding jargon and buzzwords will keep the mission statement clear and easy to understand. It should be universal and simple to comprehend for all employees in the organization. It should be unique and identify the organization. A mission statement is often what sets one company apart from the competition. It should outline the organizations competitive advantages and differentiate it from everyone else. Specific products/services offered as well as markets or customers should be included. Also a general business definition, behavioral standards, and desired competitive position can be added to a strong mission statement. EMPLOYEE INVOLVEMENT It is often helpful to allow company-wide input when creating a mission statement. This bottom up approach results in greater commitment to the organization and a better understanding of the organization. Employees from throughout the organization can help identify the core values of the company. In order to encourage employee participation, many companies have created competitions inviting employees to submit suggestions. Cash prizes are sometimes provided as an incentive for creative and inspirational statements. Some companies find it useful to invite customers to assist in writing a mission statement because they can provide an honest perspective. Another option is to review mission statements from other companies. This can help provide ideas as the writing process begins. It is important to keep in mind that there will be a draft process involved in creating the mission statement. Employees can often provide invaluable insight on how to improve on each draft. In the end, the mission statement should reflect the personality of the organization. Thus, each company should be creative and unique in developing its own statement. Creating a mission committee that consists of members of management, frontline employees, and customers is another way to begin writing a mission statement. The major benefit of this strategy is the inclusion of all areas of the organization to ensure that everyone is represented. Another benefit is that employees will be more willing to work toward accomplishing the mission if they know they had a voice in its creation. A top down approach can be effective in smaller organizations or even sole proprietorships. There is less time involved in creating a mission statement when it comes from the top. Also, many times frontline employees and lower level managers lack the insight necessary to see the big picture. They may not be able to conceptualize the entire organization and therefore miss important aspects of the business. Participation may not always be a good option for small businesses. In small businesses that are started by entrepreneurs the mission statement is generally a vision of an individual and therefore may not be negotiable. When the mission statement comes from upper management, employees are more assured of the organizations commitment to the statement. A word of caution should be noted when deciding whether to adopt a top down approach or a bottom up approach. If the mission statement is to be created with a wide variety of input from both employees and customers then it will take longer than a top down approach. There must be a sharing of views and ideas with compromises made. A consensus should be developed without the problems associated with groupthink. There is always the possibility that too much compromise will distort the mission statement and the end result is something different from the original intent. The top down approach is not always effective because it rarely consults employees when making important decisions. Therefore, although it is the fastest route to take it isnt always the most effective. While the mission statement should be able to change with the times it is also understood to have a certain degree of permanence. As new businesses begin to grow and hire more employees the mission statement should provide a strong sense of stability and a clear definition of the culture. A mission statement is worthless unless it has the support of the employees in the organization. It will only be successful if each employee commits to its success and internalizes it. Once the statement is completed it is extremely important that the organization not put it on the shelf to collect dust. It should be shared with the entire company. The introduction of the mission statement should come directly from top management in order to set the example. Organizations should be creative in making employees aware of the mission statement. Placing it strategically in locations where employees gather will increase awareness and remind them of the goals of the organization. Videos outlining the details of the new mission statement are often useful; however, it is critical that employees have the opportunity to discuss the statement with members of management. Setting up meetings with members of management and frontline employees can often help uncover areas where the company does not meet the standards set by the mission statement. Communicating the mission statement to customers will make them feel valued and important. It can be sent to customers in a mass mailing or posted on signs in areas those customers frequent. It sets forth the goals of the organization so customers know what to expect when doing business with the company. SWOT ANALYSIS SWOT is an acronym for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool that helps an organization match its internal strengths and weaknesses with external opportunities and threats. SWOT analysis is important and useful in creating and executing the organizations mission statement. Often the best strategies for accomplishing the organizations mission are revealed through the SWOT analysis. The best strategies are those that take advantage of strengths and opportunities, offset threats, and improve weaknesses. Organizations should first begin by reviewing internal strengths and weaknesses. When analyzing an organizations strengths it is important to identify distinctive competencies or strengths possessed by only a few competing firms. These distinctive competencies often become the competitive advantages that are included in the mission statement. Distinctive competencies can be found in financial resources, quality products and services, proprietary technology, or cost advantages. Organizational weaknesses are skills and capabilities that prevent an organization from implementing strategies that achieve its mission. They can be problems with facilities, lack of a clear strategic direction, internal operating problems, too narrow a product line, weak market image, or the inability to finance changes. The next step is to identify external opportunities and threats. Organizational opportunities are circumstances in an organizations environment that if capitalized on will result in above normal increases in economic performance. Examples of opportunities are related to the possibility of adding a new product line, increasing market growth, or diversifying into related products. Threats are viewed as circumstances that give rise to normal or below normal economic performance. They can be found in the ease of entry of competitors, increased sales of substituted products, demographic changes, slowed market growth, or increased competition. EVALUATION Evaluation of the mission statement is necessary to ensure the organization is meeting its goals. If needed, new goals may have to be created in order to accommodate changes in the organization. It may be time to reevaluate what the organization is doing or where it is headed. This is a good time to think about entering into new areas or to begin doing things differently by rewriting part or all of the mission and vision statements. In evaluating an organizations performance, management must look at several different aspects of the organization. First, managers need to determine if the organizations plans are clearly linked to its mission statement and related goals. Plans should be developed for both the short run and long run. Secondly, assigning jobs that are directly related to the achievement of organizational goals will help ensure they are attained. The goals should be communicated clearly so employees understand what tasks need to be carried out and what the rewards will be. Finally, when evaluating individual performance, the information gathered should be recent and compared to established standards. Mission statements are often difficult to evaluate because they are written in a somewhat abstract form. They are, many times, not directly measurable and vaguely worded. 1 presents an example of how mission statements can be measured from the top of the organization to the bottom. Strategic goals are directly tied to the organizations mission statement and apply to the organization as a whole. Tactical goals are departmental goals that support the strategic goals. Finally, operational goals are written at the individual level. Each one of these makes it possible to measure the organizations mission statements. An organizations likelihood of accomplishing its mission is increased as it creates strong and measurable goals at each level. It is not necessary that the mission statement be measured in quantifiable terms. It may also be measured qualitatively. For example, We will answer all of our customers questions and if we dont know the answer, we will find out. While this is not a quantitative statement it can be measured by monitoring customer service calls and setting operational goals for employees that revolve around follow up and thoroughness. Mission and vision statements give organizations a focus and a strategy for the future. According to Bart and Tabone, they have become the cornerstones of organizations. They contribute to organizations success and can lead to increases in productivity and performance. They do not have to be reserved for the entire organization—each department or division can benefit from developing a mission statement, as long as they are not in contradiction to the companys overall mission. Preferably, an individual departments mission links it to the fulfillment of the overall company mission. Mission statements for functional departments provide the same benefits as they do for the entire organization. In conclusion, mission statements provide a sense of direction and purpose. In times of change and growth they can be an anchor and a guide in decision making. The benefits far outweigh the disadvantages and challenges when looking at the potential for increases in profitability and returns. Defining an organization by what it produces and who it satisfies are major steps towards creating a sound and stable mission statement. Setting a company apart from the competition is probably one of the biggest advantages. Whats the benefit of a mission or vision statement? What is a mission statement? According to Bain Company, mission statements are one of the most frequently used management tools. Organizations spend thousands of hours and dollars developing mission statements and then more resources again on public relations to unfold them to their stakeholders. This is not surprising when you review the often-stated benefits of mission statements: To communicate the direction of the organization. To help make day-to-day operating decisions. To keep the organization focused. To motivate employees. Many authors have a variety of beliefs of what should be included in a mission statement. Ireland and Hill (1992) state that the mission statement should include the organizations goals, purpose, product and market scope and philosophical views. Davies and Glaister (1997) believe that it should include the organizations statement of purpose and inspirational view for the future. While Jamieson and Justice (1999) state that the framework for the development of a mission statement should begin with the organizations primary purpose, target market, core products or services, critical values and measures of success. One of the better practical definitions has been provided by Bartkus, Glassman and McAfee (2000) who basically state a mission statement is a statement to communicate a description of the firm to its current and prospective stakeholders to determine if they want to be involved with it. The reality is, there is no one agreed definition of what should and should not be included in a mission statement. We believe a mission statement is a simple, short statement that clearly communicates the purpose of the organization to its stakeholders. Nothing more, nothing less. For practical purposes, many of the other aspects of mission statements cited above are actually found in other sections of an organizations planning documents. What is a vision statement? The delineation between vision and mission statements is far from clear. This is understandable when many of the benefits attributed to mission statements are also attributed to vision statements. Like mission statements, there are many definitions for vision statements. Warren Bennis describes a vision as something youll never forget. Tom Peters, in his book Thriving on Chaos, describes a vision statement as inspiring, clear and challenging, makes sense to the marketplace, stable but challenged, a beacon and control, empowering, prepares for the future, honors the past and is lived in the details. Both are useful definitions. We like to describe a vision statement as a picture of the future. While a mission statement talks about the organizations purpose, (i.e. direction), a vision statement talks about what the organization would like to be. The easiest and most practical way of simply delineating between a mission and vision is to describe the mission as the journey and the vision as the destination. How useful are these definitions? Although we have found these definitions to be simple and practical, there are two points to remember when discussing mission and vision statements during your strategic planning process: 1. There is no one accepted definition. 2. Agreement on the definition you use is more important than the definition itself. Do you really need a mission and vision statement? It depends. What you do need is to ensure that the organization has a direction and goal(s), that your key stakeholders support that direction and goal(s), and that your structure, resources and skills are aligned to facilitate moving in that direction and maximize your opportunity to achieve those goals. If you believe you need a mission and/or vision statement, then you probably do. However, just having a mission and/or vision statement, even if they are included in a planning document, posted on a plaque on the wall or provided to employees on business cards certainly does not, unto itself, ensure success. Mission and vision statements are management tools that if used appropriately, have the potential to help improve your organizations probability of success. However, its important to keep in mind, that these are only two of the many tools available to your organization in the development of your strategy. Many small business owners never take the time out to explore their reasons for being in business. They are so caught up in day-to-day activities they fail to see the big picture. So what are the benefits of having an articulated Vision, Mission and Objectives for your business? Actually, it all starts one step removed from this. It really starts with establishing your core values. Lots of people in their middle years instinctively know what their core values are but they cannot tell you what they are when questioned about it. Core values are what get you up out of bed in the morning; a strong work ethic; a desire to contribute; the need to support your family; respect for your fellow workers or subordinates. They are the driving force in your life. They are immutable and do not change over time. Once you have gleaned what your core values are, then you can move on to establish what your Vision is. Your Vision is your long term goal. It can embrace your business and your personal life. It may be something like building your business into a $10 million asset that you can sell aged 60 and retire to a beach house in Florida. It could be to create something of value that you can pass on to your children. It might even be to create something that offers benefits to your community that will outlive you. It can be deeply personal. Your Mission flows from your Vision. Your Mission is a written statement that provides a clear sense of direction to all of the stakeholders in your business. It embraces the commitment of the company to staff, customers, and the community at large. It may articulate the company ethos, core beliefs of the owners, service levels, quality, excellence, training and commitment. It should be a shared set of standards and beliefs that all of your staff buy into and live every day. Setting objectives is the next stage of the process. It is all about how you deliver on the promises made by your Mission. If you have clarity in both your Vision and Mission, it is easy to decide on the objectives. Objectives may be set for each key area of your business along with a time-line for completion. They may be corporate, product, market, sales, financial, operations, or staff related or any combination of these. As you can see, this is a trickle down system with higher level aspirations that flow down to every level of the business and become the glue that holds everything together. The benefits are clear and unambiguous. It is a team building exercise that creates focus and commitment that can drive a business forward. Every step you take is in pursuit of your articulated end game. In just over a decade, CN Rail has gone from money-losing crown corporation to one of the top railroads in North America. Employees follow a strong company culture incorporating five values that revolve around customer service, balancing service with cost control, and the safety and development of its employees. Not surprisingly, corporate culture starts with president and CEO Hunter Harrison and works its way down through the companys 22,000 employees. In the 2006 Canadian Corporate Culture Study conducted by executive search firm Waterstone Human Capital, 92% of executives defined corporate culture as the behaviours of people and the values of the organization. The leaders of these major Canadian corporations almost universally agreed that a healthy corporate culture is critical to success and that culture has an impact on organizational health and financial performance. In our last article we wrote about the three-stage process of defining that corporate culture. In this weeks article well look at the importance of aligning your corporate culture with your business strategy and how to communicate that throughout your entire organization. At CN, values are a core part of the companys corporate culture. These values, along with behaviours such as passion and integrity, run throughout the organization and CN regularly communicates them to all its employees. One way Harrison did this was by publishing How We Work and Why, a hardcover distributed to all employees two years ago. The railroad also regularly runs three-day motivational retreats for executives called Hunter Camps. Led by Harrison and Les Dakens, SVP people, the Hunter Camps not only teach leadership skills and reward managers for a job well done, but they also serve to reinforce the companys values and employee behaviour. The goal, says Dakens, is to have 2,000 employees go through these camps by the end of 2008. In addition, CN last year introduced performance scorecards for all its employees. The performance appraisal recognized and evaluated employees against the companys values. A lot of these people have never had this formal kind of written recognition that they do a good job, says Dakens. According to the Corporate Culture study, 51% of organizations surveyed use everything from company events and town hall meetings to intranets and informal gather

Saturday, July 20, 2019

vicksburg :: essays research papers fc

Battle of Vicksburg The Battle of Vicksburg, The Civil war that in my opinion cut our nation in two, Americans fighting Americans. This was a very important battle that was fought westward it was the turning point in the war. The Union forces under General Ulysses S. Grant on July 4, 1863, General Ulysses S. Grant with the largest force, about 67, 000 men. Vicksburg is the last spot on the Mississippi River. May through July in 1862, several attempts to seize Vicksburg were made by Adam. These Ventures failed because the guns used on the ships could not be directed effectively against the confederate batteries high on the bluffs, and because the confederate troops far outnumbered the Unions sent against them. Between Cairo, Illinois, and the Gulf of Mexico, the Mississippi River twists and winds for nearly 1,000 miles. Having control of Vicksburg and the Mississippi River was a huge benefit in the war. The River was important to both the American Government and to the Confederate forces in the west. Confederate forces made artillery batteries ready to take Union ships. Before the Civil War, Vicksburg, Mississippi had become one of the most prosperous and advanced towns on the old Southern frontier. The city was the center of trade; it was crowded with boats carrying all kinds of goods. By early 1862 the peaceful town had become one of the most important spots in the whole confederacy. From the beginning of the war in 1861, to protect their most prized possession, the Confederacy but up protective points along the river. After fighting their way south from Illinois and north from Gulf of Mexico, Federal forces eventually captured post after post. Until the summer of 1862, only Vicksburg and Port Hudson appeared to be major spots to the Union of the two posts, Vicksburg was the strongest and most important. The city Sate was high over looking a bend in the river, protected by artillery and dangerous swamps. So far the city had rejected Union efforts to force into submission. In order to protect the Mississippi Valley, Confederates made a line of defense, which ran from Columbus, Kentucky, overlooking the Mississippi River through bowling green to Cumberland Gap where the bright flank was secure on the mountains. On the Mississippi River, south of Columbus, forts were also placed on island number 10 and on the Chickasaw Bluffs north of supported Jackson St.

Augustine :: essays research papers

Midterm Exam Approaches to God 267 1) What do Luther, Aquinas, Augustine, Decartes, and Kierkeguard hold about the relationship between faith and reason? All of these great philosophers had varying views on the relationship between faith and reason. Martin Luther was a key historical figure and a key historical figure of his time. He rose to fame for his 95 thesis and is credited with bringing about the Protestant Reformation. Luther was a feidest- everything opens to faith with no regard to reason. He believed people were saved â€Å"by faith alone†. St Thomas Aquinas did not have the same views as Luther. He was a mitigated rationalist who believed in both faith and reason. Aquinas argued that reason preceded faith. St Thomas, a mendicant fryer, was a believer in the unity of truth. St Augustine of Hippo, a well respected, top-notch philosopher was one of the greatest thinkers of his time. The great Augustine was also a mitigated rationalist. Unlike Aquinas, Augustine believed faith preceded reason. He took ancient thought and applied it to the bible. He believed man was good, but not perfect. Augustine’s theory that faith precedes reason can be best summed up by citing his famous quote, â€Å"I believe in order that I may understand†. St Augustine was a giant in philosophy and continues to be studied today. Decartes, who invented the Cartesian Plain, wanted to make philosophy as precise as his beloved mathematics. He often related philosophy to the principles of geometry and fineness. Decartes operated out of the theory of doubt, he doubted everything. However he did not doubt the fact that he could think. He felt that he could not think without existing. Hence he came up with the notion â€Å"I think therefore I am.† Decartes ultimately pulled faith away from reason and completely separated their relationship. Kierkeguard was the father of modern existentialism. He stresses the individual as an existentialist he created three levels. The first level was an aesthetic level, second was an ethical, in which one leads a good life, and the third and highest level was called the â€Å"leap of faith†, the religious level. 2) Is natural theology a science? Why or why not? When determining whether or not natural theology is a science or not, we encounter many different opinions. Some may argue yes, while others argue no. The definition of Philosophy comes into play here. Philosophy- the science which studies all things in their ultimate causes by the light of natural reason.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Death Of A Salesman- Overview :: essays research papers

Death of a Salesman  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Crazy Willy Willy Loman is one of the most tragic heroes in American drama today. He has a problem differentiating reality from fantasy. No one has a perfect life. Everyone has conflicts that they must face sooner or later. The ways in which people deal with these personal conflicts can differ as much as the people themselves. Some insist on ignoring the problem as long as possible, while some attack the problem to get it out of the way. In the case of Willy in Arthur Miller’s, Death of a Salesman, the way he deals with his life as a general failure leads to very severe consequences. Willy never really faced his problems in fact in stead of confronting them he just escapes into the past, whether intentionally or not, to those happier childhood times where problems were scarce. He uses this escape as if it were a narcotic, and as the play progresses, we learns that it can be as dangerous as a drug, because of its ability to addict Willy, and it’s deadliness. Willy is like an impetuous child who uses dilutions to escape his problems. The first time Willy is seen reminiscing is when he encounters Biff after arriving home from work. The conversation between Willy and Linda reflects Willy’s disappointment in Biff, and what he has become, which is for the most part a bum. , Willy “Biff is a lazy bum';. After failing to deal adequately with his feelings, he hallucinates into a time when things were better for his family. It is not uncommon for one to think of better times at low points in their life. This is used as a defense mechanism so that they are able to deal with the problems they encounter, but Willy Loman takes it one step further. His refusal to accept reality is so strong that in his mind he is transported back in time to relive some of the happier days of his life. He gets taken back to a time when no one argued, a time when Willy and Linda were younger, the financial situation was less of a burden, and Biff and Happy e nthusiastically welcomed their father back home from a long road trip. Willy’s need for this “drug'; is satiated and he is reassured that everything will turn out okay, unfortunately for the Loman family things are not that simple.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Pruitt-Igoe Myth

In the middle of St. Louis, Missouri, just northwest of the Gateway Arch, is a vast and vacant fifty-seven-acre woodland. Oak and hickory trees are slowly reclaiming ground and overtaking the scant remains of thirty-three eleven-story apartment buildings, which once comprised the Pruitt-Igoe public housing complex. Completed in the mid-1950s before construction of the Arch even began, Pruitt-Igoe was one of the largest low-income public housing projects in the country. For nearly a decade, the complex distinguished the St. Louis city's skyline and received praise for its innovative modernist architecture that incorporated the planning principles of a radiant city. Yet just eighteen years after residents moved in, state and federal authorities demolished the towers with explosives and abandoned the site. What caused this immense failure in urban planning and public housing? This critical question is at the center of Chad Freidrichs' documentary, The Pruitt-Igoe Myth: An Urban History. The documentary claims that three interconnected issues account for Pruitt-Igoe's collapse. First, the economy essentially abandoned Pruitt-Igoe. After World War II, midwestern cities like St. Louis were flooding with poorer minorities from the southern states farms, where technology in agriculture displaced laborers. When these minorities arrived, the white middle class moving to the suburbs was nearly complete. Coincidentally, the same act that made Pruitt-Igoe possible also fueled this suburbanization via expanded Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loans that made houses on the city's outskirts more affordable. The documentary makes it clear that the move to the suburbs was problematic because it caused the de-population and de-capitalization of Midwestern urban centers, where public housing initiatives were underway and premised upon continued urban growth, demands for high density living, and available jobs—all trends that did not come true. The Pruitt-Igoe myth was confirmation of whites disinterest in accepting minorities into their communities. For example, the whites' exodus to the suburbs (getting away from black people) began reversing itself when some minorities began to move into the suburbs and some whites moved back to the city. Throughout St. Louis history, we see countless number of incidents like these in terms of gentrification. Homes are taken away from minority families through gentrification forcing families to leave their only habitats and social support with services and other needs. The history of Pruitt-Igoe sheds light on today's challenges the city of St. Louis faces in regards to racial disparities. Second, the documentary finds fault with the laws that built and maintained the complex. Pruitt-Igoe was a product of the 1949 Public Housing Act, passed to address mounting problems in urban low income neighborhoods by providing safer houses and eliminating profit making landlords. When it first opened, residents dreamt that Pruitt-Igoe could be a â€Å"poor man's penthouse,† offering beds for all family members, privacy, and healthier living conditions. However, as the documentary maintains, it was a naive assumption on the legislatures that better housing alone could fix the broad societal problems that gave rise to the â€Å"ghettos† in the first place. Further, former residents assert that one of the main reasons Pruitt-Igoe fell was the failure of authorities to plan for the future and secure funds for maintaining the large housing complex. Last and not the least, segregation and racism effectively eliminated any meaningful opportunities remaining for the residents of Pruitt-Igoe. From the beginning, authorities planned to officially segregate the complex and use public housing as a tool to prevent what was termed â€Å"negro de-concentration.† When Pruitt-Igoe opened, though, the Supreme Court's decision that same year in Brown v. Board of Education (1954) required a change of plans, but white residents simply left, which resulted in perpetuating the effects of segregation. Moreover, white public housing authorities attempted to control the predominantly African American inhabitants with moralistic rules, such as restricting adult men, single or married, from living in Pruitt-Igoe. This resulted in broken families and no role model black male figures to help guide the young ones. The residents of Pruitt-Igoe brought these and other numerous issues like sanitation, water, heat and electricity problems to the city and housing officials but to no avail. The City and housing officials failed the residents of Pruitt Igoe. The people were living under deplorable conditions and concentrated poverty but because of the color of their skin they couldn't get any meaningful help or attention. Today, the â€Å"Pruitt-Igoe† issues in St. Louis still exist. Houses and complex apartments may not be demolished, but the constant negligence and lack of support from St. Louis City and housing officials is quite stunning considering we're living in the year 2018. It's so unfortunate that the â€Å"Pruitt-Igoe's† racial issue and the affects are still present today.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Principles of Macroeconomics Essay

Topic Tolstoys narrator remarks that Ivan Ilychs bearing has been close truthful and close to ordinary and because well-nigh f reclaimening (731). Explain how the rasets of Ivans hang support this assessment. What is fearsome active the ordinary? in that respect be numerous milest one(a)nesss in ones feel. Graduating college, acquiring a air, get unify, buying a reside and having kids. For more(prenominal)(prenominal) than or less sight these are triumphous events that are celebrated with family and fri subverts and get on with hard work. However some sight retain a different prospect towards sustenance. They perform tasks for the mere inte gutsupingness of getting the job outweare and animateness close to seems desire a check list. There is a difference between beingness vi subject and actu anyy active. Being a move is fulfilling the responsibilities and duties that are required of you. Truly living is when you seize e rattling moment and defy the or so of it. One appreciates the sm every pleasures in heart and is satisfied with what he or she has. It is well-fixed to go through conduct sentence without currentizing you are non bonking it. We get so caught up in trying to be the vanquish version of ourselves that we dont stop and appreciate the sm every(prenominal) occasions that solve every day joy. In The death of Ivan Ilych Leo Tolstoy examines the conduct of a hu homosexualkind, Ivan, who would realize seemed to live a typical life with adequate wealth, high gravel, and family.However as we read on we come to elucidate that he is living al or so robotic altogethery. Relationships dont have such(prenominal) range in his life. He does what he figures is the full thing to do, and complys the examples of everyone to the highest degree him. He is f chastenened of getting left(a) behind and wants to stag a name for himself. This leads to Ivan Ilychs life being or so simpleton and most ordi nary and therefore most terrible (1458). His life ends up being a total waste with no real friends, no happiness and lots of regret. It is non until Ivan is on his death have a go at it in his final momentsthat he recognizes that the mortalal relationships we fake are more important in life than who we are or what we own. simply by then its similarly late. Todays society is very fast paced everyone is forever on the go. multitude think about the big limning and miss the sm only details of life. This is a very common mis use up in the western culture. totally working masses want to follow the script of life, that there are some extremists standardized Ivan that take it to the next level. With every facial gesture in his life he wants to be perfect and will do some(prenominal)thing to progress to and maintain his level.An example of his extreme behavior is his love life. Ivan was at a advert in his life where he colonised down in a juvenile townspeople and life was pleasant. There he met his future wife, Praskovya Fedorovana Mikhel, who was the most attractive, clever and promising girl of the set in which he moved (1461). He establishes a high spirits relation with her and slowly she falls in love with him. Ivan had no intension of marrying her, he thinks of his nuptials primarily in footing of himself. He thinks of marrying her only because she had all the qualities that he thinks a rock-steady wife is vatical to have she came from a good family, was good looking, had an income and it marriage was considered the right thing by most highly placed of his associates (1461). So Ivan gets married it doesnt sound like he is madly in love with her. Its more like he marries her because some new(prenominal)(a) people tell him its a good thing to do and he doesnt have any objections. For Ivan another(prenominal) peoples approval and views emergence more than his own views. Marriage is one of the most important and joyous events in ones life mostpeople get married when they think is the right time for them and with whom they think is the right person, however for Ivan its yet some other task on the checklist. In other words Ivan got married mediocre for the sake of getting married.There was no joy or excitement he addles marriage look like a simple and ordinary event in ones life. Relationships are easy to shuffling only when hard to maintain. As Ivans married life goes on he realizes that marriage is not as easy and pleasant as he fantasy. As things started to intensify in his life, he matt-up depressed and helpless. He wants to escape and live life his own way, invite friends oer for a game of cards and go to the club in the evenings. On the other hand his wife wanted him to slip murder more time with her and there was zip fastener incorrect with that, it is expected. Every wife wantsher preserve to spend time with her e surplusly knock oer shes pregnant. However for Ivan his work is more attract ive because it brings him success and thats whats most important to him.He doesnt understand the importance of family and ignores his wife Ivan spends more time at work and becomes more ambitious than before. Money is an essential train in life and it is a mans responsibility to provide his family with all the comforts of life, since the men are commonly the breadwinners of the accommodateh ageing. However if you pay in any case much(prenominal) upkeep to money it can mal cover your relationship with your family because you lose out on time with them. Relationships with family have a much larger effect on eccentric of life than money does. However Ivan fails to realize this and concentrations totally on work, it is not until hes on his death bed that he understands the importance of family in life moreover by then its too late.Going back into his puerility it is clear that Ivan was just what he remained for the rest of his life a capable, cheerful, good-natured, and sociabl e man (1459). Everyone has someone or the other who they look up to and follow in life. Ivan was link to people of high sentiment, therefore conventional friendly relations with them. He took their excogitation of life which consisted to wealth and social military position and blindly followed it. Ivan did all the things they did, even though he didnt like what he was doing. He was disgusted with himself and regarded everything he did to be untimely solely because all these things were through with(p) by people with good position, it did not matter (1459). Childhood is the best pct for most people they do what they want, dont do about others and most importantly have fun.However Ivan got so caught up in being the best version of himself, he missed all these cheerful things. He did what he image to be the right things, which were the things done by successful people. It is not bad to follow successful people, everyone should do that however not to the extent that Ivan did. H e did not perceive to his heart or hit. He even chose his friends on the base of their social status and not whether he care them or not. If something seemed wrong to him, he tried to go out it only because it was regarded right by the people with good position. There wasnt anything special about his childhood, he basically followed a script. After law school Ivans life is pleasant he performs his job and makes his career in the province. Laterin his life he takes up the giving medication agency of examining magistrate in a new town (1460). His social life picks up where it left off. Ivan picked out the best circle of ratified gentlemen and wealthy gentry living in the town (1461) to associate with. Heres another example where Ivan does something because it seems the right thing to do. He wanted to be accepted in society and be puissant so he establishes relationships with rich and right people. It didnt matter if he liked them or not.The relationships he developed with t hem were on the surface and were just a show, compared to mean(prenominal) friendships that last forever. These men did not have any moment in his life and vice versa this is proven when he passed away and his friends care more about their promotions preferably than being sad on a loss of a friend. People eternally compare their lifestyles and what they have to their friends and people around them. Its a non-ending cycle of constantly wanting what you dont have. Ivan was never content with what he had, and it was evident in his life choices. After working as an examining magistrate for a while he was expecting to be offered the post of a presiding judge in a University town (1463). rather to his revulsion a colleague got the post. In chemical reaction to this he quit his job. He began actively hunting for a best position and succeeded. His friend helped him land a position that was two propagation better than his old one.He was thrilled that he turn up his colleagues wron g who failed to appreciate him. It is evident that he was more excited to show off his new position to his enemies than to be in truth ingenious about being able to provide more for his kids and wife. We should forever and a day take a moment to step back and know what they have before life makes us realize its too late. With Ivans new job came more money. This led to a bigger and better lifestyle. He bought a grand house and furnished it with expensive pieces. Slowly his dream of having everything he could ever dream of was access true. He had curbed the status he always wanted, purchased all the expensive things and was slowly getting satisfied with everything. As he settled in to the new lifestyle he always wanted he promptly became bored. It wasnt as great as he thought it would be. All end-to-end his life he always looked at the big picture. He was so operose on getting his dream job, house and lifestyle that he didnt enjoy and appreciate the small pleasures that came along the way. He sacrificed all the small joys of life for the end result and now that it was time for Ivan to enjoy the results ofhis hard work, life took a turn in the opposite direction. As he was setting up his new house, he injured himself while putting up curtains.As time went on his smirch got worse, and he was never able to in full enjoy the things he had worked for. Ivans life had no special moments, as he never understood the joy in small discoverments. He took them as simple and ordinary things. As we examine Ivans life it is clear to us that it was a total failure as most of the time he was lonely and didnt have any friends or family he confided his worries to. He never paid attention to his relationships and did not make an effort towards them. As his Injury gets worse it begins to take a toll on his life, forcing him to stay at kinsfolk. Now that he is at home all the time he begins idea of his life and starts reflecting on it.Slowly everything hits him. All the mistakes he made are decent visible to him from his childhood to his relationship with his wife to his job. He is realizing he spent his safe and sound life chasing what he thought would make him a happy man and that he really wasnt happy at all. He did not establish any friendships at a young age, and the ones that he did were not real, they were on the surface. His life is wink before his eyes. The empty feeling he had his whole life is turning into regret. As he thinks about his mistakes he realizes that he intend to live life in a certain way, but ended up living in a completely different manner. Like everyone else Ivan didnt realize this while he was reservation these mistakes. He wasted his life running game afterward wealth and status and failed to show real relationships. In reality he didnt achieve anything in life other than tangible objects. We as the commentator saw these opportunities for him to change throughout his life. As a child Ivan didnt like what he was d oing. He was disgusted with the things he did to become one of the high positioned people.He could have understood that this is not the right way to live life but he was so determined to achieve his goal he turned wrong things into right in his eyes. Later on in his life after he got married, his wife showed frustration towards him, she wasnt happy with the way of his lifestyle. Most people care about their close ones and try to change for them, whereas Ivan ran away from the situation and started working more and spending less time with his family. He did the opposite of what a normal person would do. Instead of listening to his heart and brainhe changed his morals instead of beef up his relations he neglected them. His life choices were ordinary it seemed like he was just being alive and not truly living. Normally when people die, they are remembered for all the memories and great things they did.Their loved ones grieve over the loss of a friend and family member. A person leaves a legacy after passing away. Many want that legacy to be one of the good times and the memories spent with people you love. However Ivan was self-defeating in doing that. He was so haunt with being successful while he was alive it was evident his friends were friends with him for all the wrong reason. After receiving the news of their friend Ivans death the first thought of for each one of his friends was of the changes and promotions it might occasion amongthemselves or their acquaintances (1453). Instead of being sad, his friends thought of the benefits theyd get. This shows the lawsuit of friendship he had established with his friends. non only had his friends, his wife too thought about the benefits of his death. Her main concern was how she could obtain a grant of money from the government on the occasion of her husbands death (1457).This was a result of Ivans behavior and lack of love towards her. She was a good and loving person but over time marriage changed her. piec e of music Ivan was alive he didnt treat her with love or obtain her the place of a wife in his life. Ivans wifes and friends behavior give a perfect picture of how he lived his life. He just fulfilled his responsibilities just for the sake of getting them done. Ivan was ordinary in the sense that he had no friends or loved ones. For an outsider looking in on his life he had it all a big house, nice car, wife, kids and upright job. However life is not about the tangible objects houses and cars are just materials but life has a bigger meaning than that.At the end of the day if all the objects were to be taken away from him he has no relationships to hold onto. Life always boils down to the relationships we have, our loved ones and the happiness of our families. It is too bad that Ivan realized this when it was too late and he couldnt do anything about it. therefrom his life was most simple and most ordinary and therefore most terrible. Ivans misunderstanding of the things that tr uly mattered in life is what made his life so terrible. Love, respect, intimacy, and happiness are the things that really make life worth living not wealth, power, and property.